"And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is affectionate to the servants."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 207)
We always think that Allah did not hear their prayers in time. We also yelling and moan that why Allah did (something worse) with them. They think that Allah is cruel in his decision and He do not care about the feelings of the people. But it is not right, we do not understand the affection of Allah towards His servants. Allah knows which is best for His servants. But we always loose our patience and start yelling when we find some misery. We forgot the blessing of Allah which He send upon us.
We always forgot His blessing and only remember the pain which we feel at the time of difficulty. We have very short memory and always think the worse things and painful memories. We do not remember the good memories and His blessing and pay thanks to Allah. We always start yelling and moan on the bad things but never pay thanks on the good things. Our attitude towards Allah is very rude and we never feel ashamed on that attitude. We think it is our birth right that Allah will gave us every thing and we will not pay thanks to Him.
We only remember the Allah in the time of need, when Allah lift that problem from our heads then we forgot Him as Allah is no where. Due to this thing we become thankless to all our other relations. Children do not want to gave the credit to their parents and pay thanks to them. They think that it is their duty, they did not say them to born them. So what a big deal if they grown up them. Due to this thing they do not feel ashamed when they left their parents to the old homes or on the streets in the old age.
Wives become thankless to their husband what they spend their whole life on them.; they always claim that they ruined their life by getting married with them. They become thankless and do not feel ashamed on their rude attitude toward their Lord. All these things happened and this psychology developed because people forgot to pay thanks to their Lord.
But Allah never revenge from His servants on their deeds, He is affectionate to His servants but the servants can not realize the greatness of their Master. May Allah forgive us and send His affection on all of us.