Thursday 28 August 2014


We loose all the moral and ethical values of the civilized people. We never become a nations since 1947, we divide the country and we are proud on it. We never sit and listen the other. We always want another dictator after few years. First we call the dictator to ruin all our liberty and then we unite to take the liberty from him.
We only unite on one thing and that is the constitution of the Pakistan and we achieved this mile stone after the destruction of the united Pakistan. We never Stop on one dictatorship. One dictator gave us the gift of Bangladesh But we never understand the importance of the dialogues. Just after few years we hanged the elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and dictator gave us the gift of the Bomb, Drugs, Terror Attacks and Afghan Refuges.
Once again after the struggle of decay and the blessing of the Allah we get rid from the dictator Zia. But just after few years we call another dictator Musharaf and he gave us the gift of Suicide Bombers, Destruction, Taliban etc. He destroy the basis of the United Pakistan. We never understand the value of negotiation and dialogues with the Political Leadership.
Out Political Leadership never tried to get rid of their ego. They always create a dead lock in the negotiation and never move a single back step. This thing will lead to the Death Plans of the democracy. Once again we are facing the same danger in the Dharna in Islamabad. A small group of people and their leader Qadri and Khan agitate against the elected government without any proof.
This thing will lead to the situation where innocent people will be killed and these leaders including the government will enjoy on the deaths of the innocent people. We as a nation waiting for the death of the innocent people like LAL MOSQUE incident. 
This is our  Last Stand which we take first.