Pakistan government wants that the TTP(Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan) will sit on the table for the negotiation but they have nothing to offer them. Taliban has their own agenda and they announced their agenda again and again but the government is deaf or dumb which do not want to listen and speak on their agenda. They have some key features or demands which are mentioned below:
- Government will stop the Drone Attacks.
- They will not surrender their weapons.
- They want the Islamic laws implementation
- At the end they want their own rule.
May be these demands look childish but these are on the table from the Taliban. Now what is the option of the Government.

Pakistan most glamours and popular opposition Leader Imran Khan fails to bring the Taliban on board. All his achievement are in vain. But the question is very simple Nawaz is on Prayer and Imran is on shouting. Zardari is not interested. Then who will bring us from the fire this is the million dollar question. Imran Khan has a government in the KPK but his government fail to stop and counter the activities of the TTP. Pakistan has not the ability to stop the drone attacks neither interested to implement the Shariah Law in the country. Then on which agenda we will going for the negotiation.

No doubt in this dirty game every stake holder has its own vision and the interests, but the most affected stake holder of this bloody war is the innocent people and no one is carrying about them. The bloodshed is continuing killing the people in the whole country and we destroy the whole economy in this war but America still help us to counter the terrorist. What a great help?. Obama is passing its second term but he also do not bring any change in the lives of the people of America and the world.
The agenda is simple it is clear that we are unable to fight with the Taliban and America so we must take the time. At least Nawaz wants that this battle will be postpone for next five years and the battle filed will never be the Punjab. This is the most important pray of the Primer Minister of the Punjab. This is our last stand which we take first.