We need a system which was not standing on the heads of the people but to help them.This is the only method to stop the advancement of the Taliban forces towards the Islamabad. Until or unless we protect this system we can not defeat them. The Taliban moment is based on one agenda and that is the justice. If we provide the justice to the common people then they will not attract to this moment. Now we admit that the local people have a soft corner for the Taliban's because they believe that this is the only way to get justice. If we provide the justice to the common people then they will not attract the people towards them. This is our last stand which we take first.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
We need a system which was not standing on the heads of the people but to help them.This is the only method to stop the advancement of the Taliban forces towards the Islamabad. Until or unless we protect this system we can not defeat them. The Taliban moment is based on one agenda and that is the justice. If we provide the justice to the common people then they will not attract to this moment. Now we admit that the local people have a soft corner for the Taliban's because they believe that this is the only way to get justice. If we provide the justice to the common people then they will not attract the people towards them. This is our last stand which we take first.