Friday 22 February 2013


Today i want to discuss a very controversial topic of "HONOUR KILLINGS". Its true that what ever we say this is the ground reality that the Honour killing ratio is drastically increasing. We always condemn the Honour killings. We always protest against the Honor killings of woman. We always objected all those man and demand from the government to hanged the culprits. But the question we never discuss that who are the culprits. They are usually the brother, father and husband or in some cases the mother of the diseased or victim of honour killing.
The figures shows that the Pakistan and India are also in those countries in which the ratio of the honour killing is very high. They are ranked on 3rd and 4th place. We will not talk to the  Afghanistan ,Congo and Somalia because they are not civilised countries. The question is why in Pakistan and India are in the top lists.?. We always condemn such honour killings but we never discuss that why the close blood relatives kill their own sisters, daughters and wives. What you feel if your sister is involved with some other man?. What you will do if your daughter is involved with the husband of her own sister?. What you feel if your wife is sleeping with your own friend?.
This is true that such acts must be condemn but the question is arises that if a woman through her family in such conditions where they find no choice except killing. Who will be responsible for this condition. A girl who is doing Zena or sleeping with other man with out any relation or a family member who kill her. I am not talking about the man thinking. I am just talking about the facts. We are living in a society who is very conservative in the relationships. We are not living in Europe or America where you can sleep with any one. Neither they except any thing like that. The question is very simple the media and Indian movies are spreading the culture of love with some one. This thing will destroy the whole family. If you are falling in such condition then what you will do nothing but to select this option.
This is the last stand which we will take first................


Unknown said...

we are against Honor killing of woman. This is ridiculous.

Unknown said...