Thursday 21 February 2013


In the last posting i discuss that we say our self that we are believers but Allah says we did not believers and we want to deceive him or his followers. The question is arises in the mind that why Allah says this thing. To understand the answer of the above mentioned question please read the verse mention below:
"There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied."
(Para No 1 Verse No 10)
Allah clear the answer of the above mentioned question that we are lier's. We lie with our self, with our friends, with our family, with our fellows and with all humans. We want that people believe what we say either it is a lie. We want people will close their mind and believe in what we say. The main problem is that we are ill and their is a disease in our hearts.
Now one more question raised by reading this verse that if we are having disease then why he will not cure for those disease why he added to our disease.?. The question is quite logical but the answer is also very logical. What we do if we are having some disease?. We go to some doctor and he is suggesting some medicines and we take those medicines without asking any question. Now if we have some spiritual disease and Allah send his book and his messengers (Doctors) and they want to cure our disease and we refuse them then what will be the next. Off course our disease will increase. So we will not blame Allah for our disease. This is because we lie with our self, with our doctor etc.
So we must admit that we are liers.


Unknown said...

We believe in what Allah says. But its true that we will not speek truth with our own self.

Unknown said...

We believe in Allah.

Anonymous said...

We need to follow the islam.

Anonymous said...

Until or unless we will not start to speak the truth we will fall in that category.

Unknown said...

Yes it is true we try to deceive Allah

Unknown said...

Because we lies.