" The lightning almost takes away their light, whenever it shines on them they walk in it, and when it becomes dark to them they stand still; and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have taken away their hearing and their sight; surely Allah has power over all things."
(Para No: 1 & Verse No: 20)
In this verse of Holy Quran Allah declare that He has all kind of powers and if he pleased then he will take the lights of their eyes and hearing of their ears. The question is we always move like ping pong between the good and bad. We are some time very piece and some time worse then Shaitans. Some time we almost kill to save the people and some time we kill every one who is coming in our way. Why we are never stable in our life ?. Because we never understand our own feeling , we never think what we want. Our feelings are never static in whole life. We are too greedy that we want more and more in our whole life. We need lot of money, woman and every thing. We need all thing in our life without sacrificing any thing. We always need more.
The question is very intensive why we are restless ?. We always neglect the Allah and think the worse will not happened with us ?. Why we are so fool ?. If your answer is "No" then you are fool, you are always moving from man to man or door to door in your whole life for the solutions of your problems. Can any one say that Doctor is responsible for his life or death. Do you not have any accident in life ? If yes then it is clear that you are bound in the boundaries of Allah and he can do every thing with us. He has all powers over every thing.
This is our last stand which we will take first.......................