India and Pakistan are one country at one time and then separated in 1947; both countries have many common things between them one of the most common thing is the insulting of the women. The man of this sub continent think that they have the right to induce any woman at any time, they have their fundamental right to insult his wife, sister, daughter and he has full leverage to even kill them if they will not obey them. They also have some extra judicial powers in their hands even to decide the rape cases in their local so called "Punchiats" instead of the local courts.

No doubt the both countries have sovereign judicial system and their Supreme Courts are having full freedom to decide any case, but despite all of this the both Supreme Courts never decided the Rape cases of the Woman on urgent or speedy trials. In the history of the judicial system in very few case the culprits was sentenced on their crime. This thing just ruined the confidence of the Pak-India Woman on the Judicial system of their country. This is a very bad news for the leaders of the judicial system in both countries It is is useless to talk about the rape on every new case reported in news or electronic media. It is useless to say what will be the next and how government will stop this .
Only strict decision will stop such incident and nothing else, in a country where after each 21 minute a rape is reported how you will stop this. I think in my point of view the government of the both countries are innocent in this regard. The duty of the government is to make the law and capture the culprits but the sentences to the culprits on their crime is only the right of the Courts.
I think the both courts are flop because their are million cases are pending, the culprits are free while the victims are lay down the earth from many years. So its useless to talk on this matter until or unless the court start talking on it by their decision. This is our last stand which we will take first.