Many people think that they know the difference between right and wrong, truth and false. As my friend commented in my community as mentioned below:

Shaun Clearances
I know very little of Islam but I do know right from wrong , I don't believe that extremists who claim to be islamists should taint the entire faith.
Israel should be severly punished for what its doing to Palestine and the US Need to be brought down . Violence will never work , only people from aLL FAITHS WORKING AND STANDING TOGETHER can achieve anything. All conflicts are government made and funded, I am at war with no-one yet my government illegally acts supposedly on my behalf ...
Israel should be severly punished for what its doing to Palestine and the US Need to be brought down . Violence will never work , only people from aLL FAITHS WORKING AND STANDING TOGETHER can achieve anything. All conflicts are government made and funded, I am at war with no-one yet my government illegally acts supposedly on my behalf ...
The things is very important to know Mr shaun did not read the Holy Book and he knows very little about the Islam but besides any thing he claim that he know the right from wrong. How he knows?. On which ideology or thinking he claims?. On which basis he thinks that the thing he think right is right. If you do not read the Book (Means Holy Quran) no one can say what is wrong and what is right.
The difference between right and wrong is very narrow, we all have very limited knowledge and wisdom. But Allah knowledge is above all kind of Knowledge and beyond the limitation. We are bound in the limitation but Allah is not bounded. So if he say that those who are illiterate (means do not know the Holy Books) also claims that they know but actually they do not know anything and just do on conjecture.
As mentioned in the following verse of Holy Quran.
"And there are among them illiterates who know not the Book but only lies, and they do but conjecture."
(Para No: 1 & Verse No: 78)
I am not saying that all those are lie rs, this is the wording of Allah. Allah knows and we do not know. Sometime we think we are not telling a lie but actually our knowledge in that matter is small and due to this thing the truth become lie and lie become truth. We do not know about our own self then how we claim that we know the others. We have limited knowledge and on that knowledge we claim that we know every thing.
We always talk about egregiously about Islam but we never think and read the Holy Quran. Why should read it first and then speak about it. If you did not read the Holy Quran then how you will say egregiously about it. You do not have any right to speak about the thing which you do not know. We all need to know the Holy Quran first and then speek. If you did not read this Book then first start it today.