We have million of doubt in our life.We always in doubt about our wives that they love us or nor?. We always doubt about the people. We always raise objection and create doubt on every thing. No two men will become agree on one thing without doubt. This doubt will leads to the disbelieve. First we think about the doubt and then we become confident on our doubt and after some time we become disbelievers. It is the fact that man never worship the idols in the start, they just create them as sculpturesque to remember their saints and forefathers. After one generation the next generation scabbily change the status of these sculptor into gods and goddess. This thing start with one doubt that is "Our ancestors gave them so much importance because they solve their problem.". They assume and this assumption will lead to the disbelieve.
After some time they are so much strict on their believe that they do not want a single word against their gods and goddess and this is because they refused to accept the truth scabbily. They start moan when Allah send His wrath on them in front of these gods and goddess and when Allah remove that wrath from them then they become more confident on their believe. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah said the following thing:
"The truth is from your Lord, therefore you should not be of the doubters"
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 147)
Now if you want to implement this theory by your own start the same thing just create a god from mud, iron, wood etc and something you wish and just start praying in front of that. Allah will surely accept your prayers which He thinks to gave you. Then you will relate to these thing to that idol. You will loose the truth and stand on the false assumptions and one day you will become disbelievers. This is actually we are doing in our lives. Most of the Muslims believe that their prayers accept because they pray on some saint grave, some shrine, some fasting, some taveez etc. Then they forgot their Lord and just running behind those things and one day you will loose your faith. May Allah gave us strength to stand on the truth only.