Friday, 5 April 2013


It is very hard to think that we are transgressors but the fact will never change. We like or we don't like the reality will never change. Its true that we always deny the communication of Allah and find some logic, thinking etc to deny the communication of Allah. We in some depth of heart know that we are not doing right but we can not change our stance in front of the whole world. There are million hurdles to accept this truth that what ever Allah says in the Quran is absolutely perfect. We cant have the courage to show our egregious  thinking in front of the whole world. 
We try to hide our own inner feeling from our own self. We always try to find the ways to contradict the saying of Allah on the name of humanity, liberalism, communism, fascism  democracy and million other philosophies. But all these philosophies are proves obsolete with the passage of some time. All those civilization become destroyed who are based on the logic's against Allah. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And certainly We have revealed to you clear communications and non disbelieve in them except the transgressors."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 99)

It is the fact that we are transgressors but do not show this thing to the whole world.If you want to know that you are transgressor or nor then try to implement a single verse of the Holy Quran in your life. If you feel burden on your shoulders and find it impossible to implement it in your life then believe me you are transgressor like me. I always try to implement the communication of Islam and Quran in our own life but i want to admit that i could not able to do so. 
I know it is very hard to say but it is my personal experience that we need to know our disease first and then the cure. If we admit that we are transgressors or unbelievers then we can change our self. It is only the grace of Allah if He will give you and me the knowledge of His Book. Only to speak some words from your mouth and the birth certificate of a Muslim family will never a proof that you and me are the believers. It is faith which is in the depth of our heart. I also want to correct one more thinking a man having beard or looks like the Muslim does not mean that He is believers. 
We always disguise our self in the environment where we live but the believe is something else, Islam always discuss the inner change of the humans rather then to change their outer. If your inner and outer will not same then surely you are transgressor like me. I also try to hide my sinner face from the whole world. I want to have sex with all those who likes me but it is impossible as a Muslim. I want to drink the alcohol but the Islam prohibit such thing. The question is not about two or three things. Its a complete method of living and i do not have courage to live according to the clear communication of Allah so i admit i am a transgressor. May Allah forgive me.