Now a days and since the birth of this world no human satisfy with their lives. Every one face different kind of problems, some time in shape of hunger, some time in loss of property, some time in loss of health, some time in shape of different wrath of Allah. We always as a community face different kind of problems like floods, earth quick, heavy rains, widely spreed disease. In such types of wrath of Allah million people died at once. Now the question is why Allah send such things on us? Why Allah try us with different problems?. Why we do not feel peace in our lives? Why we always running our whole life for small things?.
To discuss this thing kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 155)
In this verse of Holy Quran Allah clearly told us that He will examine us from different things and then clearly mentioned different things like fear, hunger, loss of property, lives and fruits. Allah told us that this world is the examination centre and we must solve the different questions in this exam. Some time He will check us from fear,just look around your self. In this world you can got the best example of fear is 9/11 incident of the America, Boston Bomb Attacks and in Pakistan different kind of Bomb attacks are just few example of fear on the world wide or country wide. In our personal life we have different kind of fears from police, from our boss, from the family etc. We spend our whole life under the spells of different kind of fears. Allah know this thing that basically we never over come our fears due to this thing He first mentioned this thing.
The second most important thing of the humans are hunger, we earn money to eat good food and lot of food. Million of people in Africa due to hunger, the famous France revolution was started due to the hunger. The queen words become famous quote " Why they do not eat cakes. if they do not have bread." We can not afford the hunger for more then two days. When we are hungry then we forgot to worship the Lord also. Hunger is the most important thing of the life of a human, to live alive we need food and without this we do not do any thing.
We spend our whole life to make some valuable properties, we want that we must left something for our offspring.We never think while collecting these properties from which way we earn the money. We want that we have so much wealth that no one else will have ever. The thrust for the property will never finished and even we sacrificed our whole life for this. Each one like his home and worship like Lord. Why because we love our properties and can do any thing for this.
One more important thing is our live.We always do every thing for our own live. We all have firm believe that his live is more precious then all the other lives of the world. We can kill the whole world to save our one life. We always worried about our own self.
Allah clearly mentioned that He will examine us from all these things and certainly we all will be passed through such questions. Due to this thing we always in pain, trouble, fear and hopeless?. We always demanded from our Lord different things but forgot the actual thing. Why we sent on this world? To gathered different kind of things, to face different fears, to loss our property. We must think about our whole life for one minute.