Tuesday, 30 April 2013


We always say that we are the followers of Allah's apostles and we believe in the Lord. Most of us believe that we shall return to the Lord one Day. But it is also a fact that by knowing all of this we do not have firm believe in this fact and our heart always wish that we find some way to avoid this scenario. We always fall in different kind of misfortunes in our whole life in shape of different things like fear, death, loss of property and loss of fruits etc. Some time when we fall in misfortune we start moan, abuse and chattering different slogans but we never say the word which Allah's told us at this moment. 
Kindly read the following words of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"Who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 156)
We forgot this thing and due to this thing we always have doubts about the mercy of Lord. We forgot all those blessing and start moan on the misfortune. We forgot our good time ans start yelling on the bad time. We forgot that what we were doing our whole life and specially in the good time. When we fall in some misfortune then we remember those things which we did good for the others and start claiming to our Lord that He will return the reward of those good deeds and lift that misfortune from our self. We at that time forgot all those bad deeds due to which that misfortune came into our life.
We never say our prayers in our good time but in the hardships we never left a single prayer and when Allah removed that misfortune we return to our original conditions then why we start yelling and moan. We always start mocking of all those who follow the Islamic spirituals in our good times and follow the same thing when some hardships knock on our door. Why we are two faces?. We are actually never want to feel the pain in our whole life but we always show that we are very brave. We refuse to pay thanks to our Lord but want that He will forgive us at the time of need. We always think that it is mandatory for our Lord to accept our prayers and forgive us when we ask for it. We always create fuss for the others but want that no fuss will create in our own life. 
We always speech on this thing that this world will destroy and we shall died, we want to convince the whole world but can not able to convince our own heart. We want that people will praise on our writing, speeches and our knowledge but all these things will not work for our own why?. We can convince the whole world but unable to do so for our own self. If we have firm believe that one day i will die then i will never left my any prayer, poor-rate, Hajj and other fundamentals of Islam. I never destroy the properties of the other people, never kill the other one, never thug the others, never destroy the lives of the others, never do a zinna to other wives and sisters. I am doing this which means that i have no fear of death and i do not believe that one day i will died. 


Now a days and since the birth of this world no human satisfy with their lives. Every one face different kind of problems, some time in shape of hunger, some time in loss of property, some time in loss of health, some time in shape of different wrath of Allah. We always as a community face different kind of problems like floods, earth quick, heavy rains, widely spreed disease. In such types of wrath of Allah million people died at once. Now the question is why Allah send such things on us? Why Allah try us with different problems?. Why we do not feel peace in our lives? Why we always running our whole life for small things?.
To discuss this thing kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 155)

In this verse of Holy Quran Allah clearly told us that He will examine us from different things and then clearly mentioned different things like fear, hunger, loss of property, lives and fruits. Allah told us that this world is the examination centre and we must solve the different questions in this exam. Some time He will check us from fear,just look around your self. In this world you can got the best example of fear is 9/11 incident of the America, Boston Bomb Attacks and in Pakistan different kind of Bomb attacks are just few example of fear on the world wide or country wide. In our personal life we have different kind of fears from police, from our boss, from the family etc. We spend our whole life under the spells of different kind of fears. Allah know this thing that basically we never over come our fears due to this thing He first mentioned this thing. 
The second most important thing of the humans are hunger, we earn money to eat good food and lot of food. Million of people in Africa due to hunger, the famous France revolution was started due to the hunger. The queen words become famous quote " Why they do not eat cakes. if they do not have bread." We can not afford the hunger for more then two days. When we are hungry then we forgot to worship the Lord also. Hunger is the most important thing of the life of a human, to live alive we need food and without this we do not do any thing.
We spend our whole life to make some valuable properties, we want that we must left something for our offspring.We never think while collecting these properties from which way we earn the money. We want that we have so much wealth that no one else will have ever. The thrust for the property will never finished and even we sacrificed our whole life for this. Each one like his home and worship like Lord. Why because we love our properties and can do any thing for this. 
One more important thing is our live.We always do every thing for our own live. We all have firm believe that  his live is more precious then all the other lives of the world. We can kill the whole world to save our one life. We always worried about our own self.
Allah clearly mentioned that He will examine us from all these things and certainly we all will be passed through such questions. Due to this thing we always in pain, trouble, fear and hopeless?. We always demanded from our Lord different things but forgot the actual thing. Why we sent on this world? To gathered different kind of things, to face different fears, to loss our property. We must think about our whole life for one minute.

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Why we live?. Why we die?. What is the life after death?. What happened when we die?. Why we moan when some one died and become happy when some other died?. What is actually happened when we died?. Why we will not live forever?. Do you think that some deaths are miserable and horrified while some deaths are painless?. Can we differentiate between two types of deaths?. Why we do not perceive?. There are thousand question arise in the mind when i think about the death.

One more question this is the common question of every one, one most important question now a days revolve in my mind. The people who kill there self with bombs and kill the other people what is the difference between the two deaths. Who killed them or who killed which is batter and which death is pain less and in peace. Why people think that if they kill others then they will go to heaven and live forever. 
Most of the Muslims will quote the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as deed; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 154)

Actually most of the Muslims interpreted this verse in a very wrong way and make the mind of those illiterate people and just gave them the idea that if they will suicide bomber then they will become martyr and will go the heaven because they are not dead. They never told them what is the meaning of slain in the Allah's way and what is the Allah's way. Allah never said to kill the innocent people and in Islam all such things are strictly banned. But we have our own interpretation about the verses of Holy Quran and due to this thing we are divided into sects and groups.
These scholars and intellectuals always have their own assumptions and thinking. We must think for one minute that is there any contradiction in the Holy Quran. The answer is No because this is the Book of Lord and He know what is right and what is wrong?. It is the challenge of the Book to find any contradiction in the whole Quran and this is also one important thing that this Book is not written by some human. In human books the chance of contradiction must be there. In some place Allah told us that the killing of one human is actually the killing of the whole humanity. In this thing Allah used human not Muslims then how we can say that Islam provide the licence of killing to others.
We must find the Allah's way and those who slain in this way will be called martyr and we must not say them dead they are alive but we do not perceive. We Must want that life and struggle for such death. May Allah gave us the same death and we will only slain in His Way(Ameen).

Saturday, 27 April 2013


We always cry and moan when we are in trouble?. We always ask the question from our own self and from the Lord that why we why we are facing the trouble?. Why Allah examine us?. Why Allah put us in that trouble?. When i gave this answer to my Mom that we never remember the Lord, never pay our prayers, never pay thanks to our Lore, always ungrateful to our Lord due to all these things Allah send His wrath in different shapes on us. Then she just inquire me that she do not do any thing wrong in her life. I objected on this that no one claim that he or she never do any thing wrong in his or her life. 
If we sleep with other one means (Zina) is not the only crime. If we do not say our prayer then it is also a sin, If we do not obey our Lord it is also a sin, if we do not read and understand the Holy Quran then it is also a sin, If we do not act upon the verses of the Holy Quran then it is also a sin, If we do not feed the poor then it is also a sin, If we do not gave the poor-rate then it is also a sin. There are million other things but we just concentrate on one or more things in our life why?. Why we close the whole things around on sin?. Why we do not believe in one thing that we can avoid the sins but never claim that we never leave the sins.When we are in trouble then we always start moan why?.We have no patience and want that when we have some problem then Allah just send some magic like thing to solve our problem. Why we want that Allah will send food from heaven when we are hungry and just gave us health at one when we have painful disease. Why Allah create these disease?. Why Allah send wrath on the people of earth?. Why He created hunger, thrust and death?. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"O you who believe! seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 153)

Kindly think that you ever in your life act upon on this order. Do you ever ask assistance from the patience and prayer. If the answer is No then think why Allah will help us.


How many times in a day you remember your Lord?. How much time you spend to remember your Lord?. Do you spend only ten minutes from the 2400 minutes of the whole day?. Do you want that your Allah or Lord remember you?. How is it possible that you do not have to remember your Lord and He always remember you?. Do you ever think and believe that you are a slave and your Master is standing to serve you?. Is it your duty to server your master or it is the duty of your master?.
What you want? Allah always fulfill your needs and desire without your request and you do not have time to remember your Lord.We always busy in different works and do not find enough time in our whole life to remember our Lord Why?. We never bow our heads when we are young and energetic and when in old ages we want then we do not do so because we have not enough strength in our knees. How tragedy is it?. Do you ever thankful to Allah?. Allah gave us lot of things and till the end of our live we always demand the things from Him, but how many times in a day we pay thanks to our Allah. Allah gave all the things and we do not have a word of thanks to Him. Allah do not need our thanks but it is the duty of a slave to pay thanks to Allah. It is our mandatory obligation. But we always be ungrateful to Allah on those things which He did not gave us.We always moan on those things and asked the question from the Allah that Why He did not gave us that thing. We never satisfy our self from the whole life and always moan on the things. We demand the Allah that He kill all those who are not good with us and gave us pain. Even when we are in depression we start demanding of death. 
Why we are so ungrateful of Allah?. Why we do not remember Allah? Why we do not pay thanks to Allah?. Do you have one minute to find the answers of these questions?. To find this thing kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, and be thankful to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me"
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 152)

Allah told us that if you remember Me then Allah will remember you. If we do not pay our prayers in a day and never read the Holy Quran in a day then how we claim that we remember our Allah.How we blame Allah in the time of need that He forgot us. We forgot Him and He forgot us this is the vice verse. We always ungrateful on those things which Allah do not think to suite us and demand and even insist on that thing in our whole life. May Allah forgive us.

Friday, 26 April 2013


How much you know?.and one more important thing; How much you need or want to know?.Another question is Do you really want to know?. Most of the people have fear to know. Some people know so much that they become disbeliever. We have lot of things to know, we have different ways of thinking and we have lot of things in our life. How much we know depends on our capability and our courage. No one in this world claim that he knows every knowledge and wisdom present on this earth. But one thing is clear we only know if some one told us it means that we will learn the things from our teachers.
If we have no teacher who taught us then it is impossible for us to learn so much quickly as we are doing right now. Similarly the knowledge increase from time to time, generation to generation and from one decay to the other decay.But there is one more thing we can learn the things by our wisdom, some experiments and some rational approach to understand the things of this world.But the things which we can not see we do not know. We have no way to learn them except one medium and that is the apostles of Allah. Who is Allah?. Where He lives?. About angels, about hell, heaven and the dooms day. All these things are above our senses and only Allah can send this knowledge by His apostles. Allah send His apostles on different nations in different areas of this world to teach them the rules and regulations of Allah.Allah send four Books on His apostle on the four nations to understand His Will. 
Allah revealed His Last Book Quran on His last apostle Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) in which He complete all the orders and instruction which He think necessary for the people to understand Him. Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran mentioned this fact as below:

"Even as We have sent among you an Apostle from among you who recites to you Our communications and purifies you and teaches you the Book and the wisdom and teaches you that which you do not know."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 151)

Only we can understand those unseen thing by the medium of Apostles. Apostle of Allah recites the communication of Allah and teaches us the wisdom and teach us the things which we do not know. So the only way to learn the thing is the medium of Apostle of Allah and if we refuse the apostle then it means we refuse the medium and refuse the knowledge too. It means that we do not want to know and that is why we will never know.
Most of the Muslims fear to know the verses of the Holy Quran, because they think that if they know then they must act upon it. But we forgot that either we know or do not know the knowledge remains there. DNA now a days common like internet,TV, RADIO, Mobile etc but few years before we do not know them then it does not mean that they do not exist in this world. Similarly if we deny the facts then the facts or ground realities can not be changes. 
if some one refuse to believe in one Allah then it does not means that the Allah does not exist.Nothing will be changed on his witness because he is not able to witness on that thing. So only apostle of Allah tells us or witness on this matter. Allah told us the things in His Book on which we are fighting with each other.


Fear is the most powerful emotion which a human can feel. No doubt the love is also there but the most important feeling of the humans and even in the animals are fear. Due to this thing a human can surrender himself under the obedience of the other human, a nation surrender his sovereignty to the other nation, a religion accept the thoughts of the other religion. If we do not have fear of the law and government then no peace will be implemented in the country.We have fear of the punishment and we understand that if we break the law then law enforcement agencies will punish us. 
Due to this fact a human stop killing of the other people because he know that the law will take action and he will also be killed in that murder. We abide the rules and regulation only because we have fear of law. Similarly we will act upon the religion and try to avoid the sins if we have faith that some one is seeing us and has the power to punish us on our wrong deeds and reward on our good deeds. If you have this faith then you will surrender your soul to that power. 
Muslims gave this power the name of Allah, we believe that He is watching us and record the each moment of our life and He has the power to send His wrath on our wrong deeds and send His blessing on our good deeds. Now the question came that if we have fear of Allah then we will never broke the laws of the religion and bow our head in front of that power, but if we do not have firm believe in that ideology then we do not have fear of any one and we will not abide any restriction of religion.
Kindly first read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And from whatsoever place you come forth, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you are turn your faces towards it, so that people shall have no accusation against you, except such of them as are unjust; so do not fear them, and fear me, that I may complete my favor on you and that you may walk on the right course."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 150)

Now look at this verse Allah clearly ordered us not to fear from the others and only fear from Him. But what is actually we are doing, we have lot of fears in our heart except the fear of Allah. We fear from poverty, insult, life threat, abuses and from the government, our enemies, our wives, our children, our friends, our parents, our relatives. We spend our whole life in the fear that what people will think.We always reject the orders of Holy Quran by different fears. We always justify our self by saying that Allah will forgive but our Masters of the Land will not left us. 
We left to bow our head in front of one Lord that's why we bow our head in front of every one. We need to evaluate the things once again and just think from whom we fear in our life. Do you ever think that you fear from your Lord?. Hindus due to this fear make the idols and worship all those things which create the fear in their hearts. They worship the snakes because he has the ability to kill them. This is just an example, we spend our whole life in the fear of dying and never think about the life hereafter. Now start the thing now.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Sacred Mosque is the first house of Allah.When Allah ordered to change the qiblah then many people objected on this order, but the most people will not think that the Sacred Mosque (Khana Kaba) is the first house build on the name of Allah. Bait ul Muqadas was build in the era of Hazrat Suleiman which is in the offspring of Hazrat Ibrahim, while this Khana Kaba was build by the Ibrahim and Ismail. Then which mosque  will be more sacred. 
So Allah ordered us to turn our faces towards the Sacred Mosque and one more thing is clear that Allah know what you are doing. Allah is not at all heedless of what we do. Allah know and we must know that He know. We must increase our faith and not calcine our soul. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And from whatsoever place you come forth, turn  face towards the Sacred Mosque; and surely is the very truth from your Lord; and Allah is not at all heedless of what you do."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 149)

We all know that there is some force who regulate the whole world and it is impossible to create this world without reason. Every thing which exist on this earth has a reason to exist but most of us could not know. Similarly the every order of the Allah is actually in the benefit of the humans but if humans do not understand then it is their fault. The process of knowledge came from time to time. No human has the ability to understand each and every thing similarly the humans will learn the things from the passage of intervals. 
Similarly since the Holy Quran revealed on the Last Prophet of Allah since from that day world is still understanding the Holy Quran and this method will continue till the dooms day. But one thing is clear that only Allah knows the meaning of the verses of Holy Quran completely similarly He only knows the basic ideology behind this order. If Allah ordered us to turn our faces towards the Sacred Mosque then we should abide the order because no slave have the right to ask the question from His Lord. His Lord knows better. If the american jumps into the battlefield of Iraq and Afghanistan on the order of their President without knowing anything and start killing the innocent people then why we will not obey the Lord of the president without asking any question. Why we raise the question when Allah gave some order?. We should ask this question from our self.


We all humans belong to different kind of religion and sect? We have different logic and different faith, different ideology. But we all know one thing that we all die one day, but after the death what will happened all of us have different assumptions.Some religion burn their deed bodies because they think that Allah will not bring them together like Hindus. Some religion put their deed bodies on a monarch that they think that the birds will eat them, this way they think that Allah will not bring you all together i.e. Parsi. 
But the question is how they know that the Allah will not gathered them, Do you have any written thing?. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And every one has a direction to which he should turn, therefore hasten to (do) good works; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together; surely Allah has power over all things."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 148)

Actually all of the people think the Lord as like our own self. Allah is not like us, Allah has power over all things but most of the disbeliever do not believe that Allah has limited powers. If you limiting the power of Allah then He will not be Allah of the Muslims. Muslims believe in that Allah which is above all and have powers over all things. We all submit to one direction and that is the direction of Allah we do not bound our self to one direction and nothing is sacred for us except those which Allah told us. 
But actually now a days Muslims divided into many school of thoughts and each school just strictly stand on his thought that nothing will want to hear a single word from the other school of thought. If some one repeat of quote some good thing then first of all we think that from which sect he belongs. Now we divided the people in Sunni, Shia etc rather then a Muslim. We should change our thought first and be united on one thing and that is Holy Quran. We must realize that all the disbelievers hated us because we believe in one Allah, Do you ever think why they hate us?. 
The forces of evil and good are working since the beginning of this universe and till the last day this will continue. We must submit our self to our Lord and just turn our self to the good works. We must at the end of each day analyze our self that how many good works we done in the whole day. May Allah forgive us and gave us the strength to do the good works. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


We have million of doubt in our life.We always in doubt about our wives that they love us or nor?. We always doubt about the people. We always raise objection and create doubt on every thing. No two men will become agree on one thing without doubt. This doubt will leads to the disbelieve. First we think about the doubt and then we become confident on our doubt and after some time we become disbelievers. It is the fact that man never worship the idols in the start, they just create them as sculpturesque to remember their saints and forefathers. After one generation the next generation scabbily change the status of these sculptor into gods and goddess. This thing start with one doubt that is "Our ancestors gave them so much importance because they solve their problem.". They assume and this assumption will lead to the disbelieve.

After some time they are so much strict on their believe that they do not want a single word against their gods and goddess and this is because they refused to accept the truth scabbily. They start moan when Allah send His wrath on them in front of these gods and goddess and when Allah remove that wrath from them then they become more confident on their believe. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah said the following thing:

"The truth is from your Lord, therefore you should not be of the doubters"
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 147)

Now if you want to implement this theory by your own start the same thing just create a god from mud, iron, wood etc and something you wish and just start praying in front of that. Allah will surely accept your prayers which He thinks to gave you. Then you will relate to these thing to that idol. You will loose the truth and stand on the false assumptions and one day you will become disbelievers. This is actually we are doing in our lives. Most of the Muslims believe that their prayers accept because they pray on some saint grave, some shrine, some fasting, some taveez etc. Then they forgot their Lord and just running behind those things and one day you will loose your faith. May Allah gave us strength to stand on the truth only.


All of us have many children but it is clear that we can identify our each children between the thousand children. We can distinguish them from their voice even when we can not see them in darkness. We can even smell our children and we know each and every thing of our children besides this fact that how many children we have. If a man have one or have hundred he can recognize his each child. This fact is not only relate to the humans the animals also can recognize their children.
Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran mentioned that all those who read the Books can recognize the apostle of Allah, because the each thing and sign written in their Books. They understand that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the true apostle of Allah according to the signs written in their Books. Similarly they now that the last prophet will change their qiblah from the Jews qiblah to the sacred Mosque build by the Ibrahim. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah indicate this thing.

"Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons, and a party of them most surely conceal the truth while they know (it)."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 146)

But what is our attitude, we always conceal the facts by different methods and the only purpose for doing this was to make our claim right. We always change the history and rely on those things which are against the facts. In the old ages many scholars where given poisoned and hanged because they gave the facts which are against the theories of the POP. Now a days we remembered them as the great scientist. Similarly we always try to make the objection on different saying of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) by saying that the "RAVI" (narrated) is week. 
We only do this to conceal the facts and make our vision true. Allah knows that the basic purpose of those who conceal the fact is that to disobey the Allah. We must understand that in our daily life we always told a lie to others because we want to hide our bad things from them. We want to show the others that we are very pious and good in front of the people but actually we are really against our outer. May Allah send His blessing on us and gave us the strength.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


How you will believe?. What kind of sign you want for believe?. Do you want to see the hell and heaven with your own eye's?. Do you want that the mountains will turn into Gold?. You want a camel came from the mountain and then birth a baby at the same time?. Do you want that stones will talk with you?. What kind of sign you think that after that sign you will not ask any further question and become believer. Do you want that dead will alive?. What you want?. Do you ever realized what kind of thing you really want to become a believer?. Do you ever ask this question from your own self that what you want to become a believer?.

Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran clearly mentioned that these people will never believe if you will gave them every sign they wish. The nations before them ask the same question and demand different kind of signs from the apostles of Allah; Allah send the same sign but the disbeliever refused that sign and said that it was magic and they did not become believer. The disbeliever always argument in the answer of every demanding sign that it was a magic. It is the rule of Allah that after sending the demanding sign if the nation refuse to become believer then Allah send His wrath on that nation and destroy the whole nation. Allah informed us that the disbelievers and those who have the Book Jews and Christian never follow your Book, your apostle and off course your qiblah. Neither you will believe in their qiblah so if you will change your believe after the clear orders of the Book which is revealed on your apostle then surely you will be the same going to hell.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And even if you bring to those who have been given the Book every sign they would not follow your qiblah, nor can you be a follower of their qiblah, neither are they the followers of each other's qiblah, and if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, then you shall most surely be among the unjust."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 145)

May Allah forgive us and gave the wisdom to the disbeliever that they will believe. Only Allah can do this but according to His law He will not gave them the knowledge of His Book.


Allah and His Apostle are one entity and there is no difference between them Allah loves his apostle Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) so much that He changes the qiblah only because His apostle wants it. Allah in the Quran say that Allah and his angels sends Darood to His apostle so all the believers do the same. This show the importance of the apostle of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Allah clearly mentioned that He is watching every thing and do not think that He is heedless of what we do. Allah knows each and every thing. Change of Qiblah is not for this sake that to change the direction from the Jews. The ideology behind this order to find the people who believe and obey the orders of Allah and His apostle without any question. This is the faith which most of us do not have.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah order to change their direction toward the Sacred Mosque (Khana Kaaba).

"Indeed We see  the turning of your fact to heaven, so We shall surely turn you to a qiblah which shall like; turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your face towards it, and those who have been given the Book most surely know that it is the truth from their Lord; and Allah is not at all heedless of what they do."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 144)

Allah one thing clear that the Jews or Christian knows that this is the truth and this will be happened because this is also a sign of the last apostle of Allah written or mentioned in their Books; but they change their Books because they have disease in their heart and due to this problem they will not have faith in the apostle of Allah. Allah know that they will never obey their heads in front of the one Lord because their heart is black. What we are doing?. In most of the religions it is the basic principal to respect their elders. We always teach our small children to obey their parents and do not bark abuse language to any one. 
But why the most educated saints of the Jews and Christians start abused language for the last Apostle of Allah and why they make the movies and write the books in which they make the mock of apostle of Allah. They do not have fear of Allah and neither they have fear to die. But Allah knows each and every thing and He will make the decision between them on the day of judgement. 


What is your believe and faith?. I am not going to discuss this thing but the most common thing between believers and disbelievers is that they always think that when they need help from their Allah their faith was not making fruitful. We always think that we served our Lord but the Lord did not help them in the time of need. This thinking is common rather are you believer or disbelievers. We always have complaints and just complaints from our Lord. 

Similarly when Allah ordered the Muslims to follow the Khana Kaaba as Qiblah then most of the people raise the objection on this order. Most of them are Jews and they said that why Muslims change their Qiblah on which they are. One more thing these fools raise the objection on the orders of Allah while they know that Allah is great and He and only He has the right to order something. The basic theme behind this order to examine the people who will follow the order of Allah and His apostle and who will turn back upon his heels. Allah knows that this is a hard order except for those whom Allah has guided the right. 

All the Jews of that time was become hopeless after this order because now there is no similarity between them and Muslims. At this time a question raised that all those Muslims who died before this order what will be the result of their prayers. So Allah in this verse of Holy Quran clearly mentioned that Allah was not going to make your faith to be fruitless. He know the heart of people rather then about the directions. Allah want to see the actual feeling of their heart rather then what they wear. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And thus We have made you a medium (just) nation that you may be the bearers of Witness to the people and (that) the Apostle may be a bearer of witness to you; and We did not make that which you would have to be the qiblah but that We might distinguished him who follows the Apostle from him who turns back upon his heels, and this was surely hard except for those whom Allah has guided aright; and Allah was not going to make you faith to be fruitless; most surely Allah is Affectionate Merciful to the people."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 143)

Allah clearly resolved all kind of problems in this verse and say that Allah did not make the qiblah for the Muslims and the basic purpose of this order is to find the people who will obey the orders without questioning. We always forgot that we are those people who bow their heads in front of one Lord without question. Now the people ask thousand question on each order and each verse of the Holy Quran. Disbelievers are like vulture and they just want to kill the each faith of Muslims with their nails. But one thing they forgot that the faith will not be a flash which they can bite. It is in the inner of every one and the truth resides in the human inner. 
So kindly watch your inner to find the truth. It is the only way to find the truth just look into your heart and then decide. 

Monday, 22 April 2013


Pakistan is going to electoral his new parliament in the next month. At this time only just more then two weeks from the upcoming election each party claim that he will bring revolt in the lives of the people of Pakistan and the people will see a new country. Imran Khan Party make this slogan of his election campaign on this slogan " New Pakistan". He also release a new statement that when he will get the turn then no other will get their turn. What it means?. What is the thought behind this slogans?. Why he is chattering slogans like this?
We all know that the x father in law of Imran Khan belongs to a Jewish secret society, which main aim to week the Muslims as much as they can. If Imran khan makes a new Pakistan then it seems that he can break the Pakistan according to the USA and Israel suspected map as given above. Why he do not think that Pakistan is passing the most dangerous era of his history. This country is already torn in to two states in 1971 and now we want a new Pakistan. This thing will hit the respectability of the Imran Khan. Now doubt the young generation of Pakistan have very high hopes with Imran Khan and it seems that May be Imran khan get few seats in the upcoming election but if we hope for a dramatic change in the political scenario of Pakistan then it is out of question.
We know that his philosophy and theme is very attractive and no doubt many people think that he is a clean political figure too but that is not enough for him and his party. His image changes when he accepted the corrupt leaders of the other parties in his parties. Similarly we all need to think a democratic approach, what it means that if he came in to power then no other party will come in to power again. He want to become Musharraf, Hussni Mubarak, Qaddafi or a new civil dictator. He must realize that at this moment his every word cast and effect his vote bank. It is a very crucial time for him and off-course for Pakistan too.


All the Muslims of the world say their prayers towards the Qiblah which is Khana Kaaba but before this Qiblah Muslims say their prayers towards the Bait ul Muqadis. Why Muslims change their Qiblah?. Why they change the old qiblah of believers.Allah informed us that East and West belongs to Allah only and He just want to see who obey His apostle. The right thing is not in the direction the right path is to follow His Prophet. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) wants to say their prayers in Makkah such that the both qiblahs were in the same direction but when he migrated to the Madina then it become impossible to say the prayer in the same direction. 
Important thing is not to follow the Jews qiblah but the important thing is to follow the instruction of Allah. If you fulfill all the conditions but you do not have faith in the Allah and His apostle then all the other things are useless. Similarly Allah want to see who will turn back. In this verse of the Holy Quran Allah clearly mentioned that East and West all belongs to only Allah and there is no sacred thing in the direction.Only the sacred thing is which Allah ordered. 
We should read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah already mentioned that the fools will raise the objection on the new order which we are going to order in respect of Qiblah. If you do not have same faith as Muslims then now we will not say prayers in the same direction which is sacred to Jews. Allah do not care that who will be pleased or who was angry on His order.Only Allah has the power to command His people.

"The fools among the people will say: What has turned them from their qiblah which they had? Say: The East and the West belong only to Allah; He guides whom He likes to the right path."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 142)

Only Allah knows to whom He will guide it is His blessing. We all not have the right to move on the right path it is the blessing of Allah and He choose the people to whom He likes. If He likes the people then He will gave them the wisdom of His book. Allah knows better then all of us. We think we are fastidious but we are not; this thing will only you get if you will bow your head in front of one Allah and surrender your soul to one Allah and submit your all wishes in front of His wishes.


We always discuss on many issues and have our own point of view. We mostly rely on the books written by some human authors. We have lot of conflict in the history too. Allah knows more then the humans and he do not need any book to remember. He is above all those things.But humans always rely on their own sources and deny the source of Allah. Most of the Jews believe that Ibrahim, Ishaq and Yaqoub are also Jews and similarly on the other hand the Christian believe them as Christians. How is it possible and why they claim like this?. on which grounds they stand. On which logic they are assuming this thing no one just the hand written books of their saints. Question is do you think that you know better then Allah?. Who created this world we all know that we have just assumptions in the books like big bang theory. Similarly how the humans created on this earth, Darwin theory. But all these are just theories which think by some humans in their bedrooms. How we can claim that they know better then Allah who created this world and also created the humans too. 

Similarly only Allah knows better that Ibrahim, Ishaq and Yaqoub are Jews or Christians.Those are unjust who conceals a testimony that he has form Allah?. Allah knows that what is right and what is wrong. Allah is great and Allah is not heedless of what you do. Allah know what you hide and what you show. We just based on the theories and we did not want to leave these theories.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"Nay! do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Yaqoub and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust then he who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah is not at all heedless of what you do."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 140)

How is it possible that Ibrahim and Ismail and Yaqoub and tribes are on that believe which came after hundreds of years after their deaths. Allah knows that this thing is absolutely wrong but billion of people do not have faith in it. They are just mindless in such matters. Similarly the Muslims believe in different ethnic, linguistic approaches and they can not united on one agenda. Most of the Muslims inspired by the theories of the the Jews and do not want to understand the Holy Quran. 
We are facing lot of problems now a days in our daily life because we are very far away from the Holy Quran. We are Muslims by chance because we born in a Muslim family . We are not Muslims by choice who read and understand the Quran. Early Muslims believe in each word of the Holy Quran and they do not have a single doubt in it. We also claim that we do not have any doubt but practically  we have doubts that is why we do not implement Islam in our lives.

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Most of the people fight their whole life that the Allah which they believe is different from the others and one more thing that their god is only for their tribe, religion, group etc. Their gods or goddess will destroy their enemy. It is a historic fact that in ancient time when a nation defeat the other nation he destroyed the other nations temple, gods an goddess too. The main three religions Jews, Christians and Muslim have the major difference on Allah. Muslims believe in one Allah while Christians have believe in trinity. 
Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran clearly gave a slogan to the Muslims.Kindly read the following verse first:

"Say: Do you dispute with us about Allah, and He is our Lord and your Lord, and we shall have our deeds and you shall have your deeds, and we are sincere to Him."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 139)

Why we do not think about this verse, why we fight on the name of Allah. He is Lord of every human, He is not only our Lord, He is the Lord of every human being and even every one either it is animal, birds, see, land etc. We pray in our mosques that Allah destroyed the non believers they are not right, Allah is also the Lord of the disbelievers. Allah accept their request too. In this world Allah send his blessing on every one despite he believes in him or nor. 
Either we believe or nor Allah will remain our Lord, Allah clearly informed us that we will not fight on his name. He is the Lord of every one and one more thing every human being is responsible for his own deeds. He is not answerable on the doing of the others, no one will ask the question about the others. Every one will get what he did and he is responsible for his own deeds and we just say to the other people that we are only submit our self to one Lord only.
But now a days Muslims are also divided into groups and sections. The Allah of Shia is different from the Allah of Sunni. Similarly the Allah of Taliban is different and the Pakistanis are different. Now we kill the other only on this base that they belong to different ethnic groups and on linguistic difference. Now we can stop a bus and after watching the NIC and select the people who named on the name of "ALI, HASSAN, HUSSAIN". We make them separate from their elders Muhammad (PBUH). In a country where Sipahe Sahaba and Sipahe Muhammad two militant forces show the symbolic thing that apostle is fighting against his followers. Allah forgive us and gave us the wisdom to thing about it.


Pakistan x president and retired General Pervaiz Musharraf was arrested and confined in their own home in Chak Shahzad Islamabad Pakistan. Police arrested them after twenty two hours when his bail was cancelled by the Islamabad High Court. An Anti terrorist court is formed in Islamabad and Musharraf present in front of the ATC judge. No doubt the whole story has a very interesting twist in the life of the General and it seems to be quite important that he was arrested in the case which is against the detaining of the Sixty judges. This show that the Pakistan Judicial activism want to make an other adventure.
I do not want to say a single word in the favor of this man but i also want that the Pakistan Judiciary still show that they are incompetent to hold the powers.I am objecting on the whole Judicial system of the country. Our higher judiciary if gave some right decision then the lower judiciary spoil ever thing. If lower judiciary take any initiative then the higher one cancelled them.
We are watching this contradictory action on daily basis, hundred of corrupt and in competent persons were forced to take participate in the action by the lower judiciary but the higher judiciary gave them immunity Similarly for how many time period the lower judiciary will face the pressure to confined the Pervaiz Musharraf. Pervaiz Musharraf was the x president and he did not come to Pakistan to surrender himself. If he is so good then he can not go abroad earlier. It means he came back with international sureties and they must play their role. Pakistan in many thing is not a sovereign country. It has many masters like USA, UK and KSA etc. Now we will see what happened in the next script of this drama. 


Christian are used to baptising their children and said that now he become christian. Similarly each religion has its own baptising but what is the actual color of Allah like. Allah is above all these things and only the baptising of Allah is better then all others. Allah is great but we always chanting slogans of other baptising and try to convince the whole world that our color is best.Muslim choose green, Hindus think radish yellow as sacred and similarly all the other religions.All the colors are the colors of Allah and Allah do not see the color He only see the color of your heart. We must submit our self to only one Lord and do not indulge in such things. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"(Receive) the baptism of Allah, and who is better than Allah in baptising? and Him do we serve."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 138)

But what we are actually doing, we are divided into sect and groups. Shia consider the black and Sunni consider the Green. We can not be agree on one color then how we will be united. We have lot of difference and the other religions raises the fingers on us. They are much true in asking the question that why the left their religion and follow the Islam. They ask which Islam  Sunni Islam or Shia Islam and other sectarian Islam. Now we are not say that Islam is one and we only serve to our Lord. Now we are divided into groups that we do not tolerate the other sect. I agree that these differences are so much deep that no one can resolve them but we can minimize them.
We are reaching on the stage where we make the killing of one sect Honor and become suicide bombers. We start killing the innocent people. We want to impose the Islam by sword which is prohibit in the Quran. We need to change the ideology of the people then their lives will automatically change. We must change our own self and then start to change our environment. We confined our thoughts and did not want to listen the other point of view.


We always insist that we are on the right course. We have lot of things to prove our claim and the others have the same. Now question arise who is on the right course. What will be the criteria for a Muslim?. What will be important things and how we look like?. We need a sample to follow, in this regard Allah gave us the rightest example in the shape of our apostle Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and their followers knows as SAHABA  Allah clearly mentioned in His book that we all must believe as you believe then they are indeed on the right course. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"If then they believe as you believe in Him, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great opposition, so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing."
(Surah No:2 & Verse No: 137)

Allah clearly mentioned that all those who will turn back will be the opposition of the Muslims. But now a days we never want to follow the role model as Allah instructed us. We have our own role model. We follow some Imams, Scholars and saints but we will never happy to follow our apostle and their SAHABA.
We never think for a minute that we are doing against the verses of the Holy Quran. Neither we think that we are doing exactly against the verses of Holy Quran ans when Allah send His Wrath on us then we start moan on the wrath. We always raise the question why Allah send His wrath on us.
It is not enough that we will accept the verses of Holy Quran by mouth but doing exactly against the verses. We forgot the saying of our apostle but still claim that He will love us. Why?. We are hypocrite and want that people admit us as true Muslims.We never adopted the Islamic finance in our country, nor Islamic social laws. Allah forgive us and send His blessing on all of us. 

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Allah formed this world and created lot of things which are necessary to stable the live on this earth. He created food for us, air, and other things. But all these things are necessary only for our survival similarly Allah send His apostle to show us the right path. All the apostle of Allah came to the different nations, different countries and in different timer period. But their message is same, Obey one Lord.

Allah send many apostle but most of the nation divide them and also divide their message. Now it seems that every apostle have different Allah and different message. But Allah in the Holy Quran clearly rejected all those visions and clear the message that their is no difference between the different apostle of Allah. All the apostle believe in one Allah and they send only one message to obey one Allah. Allah also informed that if you believe in one apostle then do not make any distinction between the other apostle.

Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim, Ismail, and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to His do we submit."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 136)

But what we actually doing.Jews do not respect the Isa and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and they kill many apostle of Allah. They make distinction between the different apostle, Similarly Christians try to raise their apostle Isa and let down the other apostle.But Muslim obey the Allah and did not make any distinction between the different apostles. But actually we are doing the same thing on the saint level. We try to make saint of our sect more and let down the saint of the other sect.
Due to this thing we just make them so much higher that we let down even the apostle of Allah. Important thing is that we must keep in our limit and do not gave too much importance to our scholars and start abusing the others. This thing create hate between the different section of the society and this hate travel from heart to heart and it increase from time to time. Now the time has come when the killing of the other become sacred and killer was given the assurance that he will go to the heaven.
This thing will lead to the wars and then the bomb blast, suicide bombers and crusade wars. May Allah forgive us and gave us the strength to follow His path.


We always think that we are on the right path and all the others are on the wrong path. We always try to convince the others to become what we are. Jews raised the slogan that if you want to the heaven the Be Jew and Christian raised the slogan of Be Christians. Similarly in Muslims we raised the slogans of Shia, Sunni, Wahabi etc. But Allah informed us that we shall reject all such things and become stand on one thing. What is that stand?. Allah clearly informed us that follow the religion of Ibrahim the Hanif. and he was not one of the polytheists.
Allah clearly mentioned that their is only one way lead to Him and that path name is Hanif (Muslim); this is the same path on which Hazrat Ibrahim follow in his life and their offspring follows after his death. Allah clearly mentioned that all other ways are lead to Hell, only one Path leads to heaven. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"And they say: Be Jews or Be Christians, you will on the right course.Say:Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the Hanif, and he was not one of the polytheist."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No 135)


Its true that we all proud on our ancestors but the important thing is we will never forgot that every one is responsible for his own deeds. You shall have what you earn and our elders shall have what they earned. No one shall called upon to answer for what the others did. We can proud on the good deeds of our elders but we shall not gain any kind of share from their good deeds. We always proud on our elders but we forgot our wrong deeds. Allah clearly informed us that we shall have what we earn and we are not answerable to the wrong or good deeds of the others. Neither we will be asked any question on the wrong deeds of offspring and neither appreciate on the good deeds of our ancestors. Every one is responsible for his own deeds. If we will submit our self to One Allah then He send His blessing on us and send us to heaven and if we did not do good deeds then we will face the wrath of Allah and He send us to hell.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah clearly warned us about our wrong perception. I invite all of you to read the Holy Verse as mentioned below and then decide your own self.

"This is a people that have passed away: they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did."
(Surah No:2 & Verse No: 134)

But we are doing we are only proud on our forefathers and forgot our wrong deeds. It is the believe of the most of the religions that their forefathers will save them from the wrath of Allah. Jews have firm believe that since they are the "Children of apostles of Allah" so Allah will not punished them but for few days. Similarly Christians believe that Christ sacrifices their self on cross and Allah forgive the sins of their followers. Similarly the Muslims have believe that they send "Darood Shareef" on their apostle so he will save them from the wrath of Allah. All the religion are standing on this believe that their elders will save them. 
Similarly in Pakistan we worship our saints graves and pay the respect to their offspring like gods and goddess. We always gave them vote, money and some time our woman only to make them happy. We never watch what is their deeds.When we ask this question from the illiterate people why they gave them undue respect. The answer is very simple they are the offspring of the saints. They got the licence to do what they want. No one is safe from their wrong deeds but we never raise the objection on them. We always have one argument and that is they are the offspring of the saints.We forgot the saying of the Holy Quran that is why we are facing the wrath of Allah. 


Allah is one and their is no God but Allah. This is the basic theme of the believe which came form one apostle to the other apostle. There is no difference between this theme in different apostles of Allah. Every apostle of Allah preach the same faith. In our last post we are discussing the last will of the Ibrahim now the grandson of Ibrahim Yaqoub known as Israel continue the will to their twelve sons when he was on the death bed. Israel twelve children are the founders of twelve tribes of the Jews. The Israel is found on the name of the Hazrat Yaqoub (Israel) and the offspring of their twelve children are now a days called the Jews. We clearly mentioned the details of them in our post know as "Children of Israel".

The important thing is that Hazrat Israel before his death gathered all their children and asked them a single question. What is that question?. What will you serve after me?. This is the simple question which he asked from them. And the all children reply the same answer. "We will server your God and the God of your father, Ibrahim, and Ismail and Ishaq, one God only, and to Him do we submit.". This is the covenant which they make with their father. But what happened after few years, they just torn the covenant into pieces and start the worshiping of the others. They not only mock their elders but also try to mock the Allah. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"Nay! were you witness when death visited Yaqoub, when he said to his sons: What will you serve after me?. They said: We will serve your God and the God of your fathers, Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq, one God only, and to Him do we submit."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 133)

We always do the same thing. We only obey the orders of our own elders which are in our favor and rejected all those which are against our soul. We never accept their wills which are against our soul. We never obey them in our own life then how we will obey after their death. We are sunni, shia and wahabi because we see our parent following the path. But this thing show that in the start their is no sunni, shia etc and similarly there is no Jews, Christians only Muslims. 
We forgot all the things and now we are only Jews, Christians and Sunni, Shia etc but we are not Muslims any more. The word Muslims are become obsolete in this world. We obey our scholars, Imam, Rabbi, Pop but never obey One God. We surrender our self in front of our religious so called sacred saints but never submit our self to the one Allah. We forgot the actual teaching of our apostles.
I am reading that the Pop Francis constitute a committee; this committee is consist of eight cardinals from the whole world and they will re constitute the constitution of the Christians.What is this?. Who gave them the right to make their own laws and have the right to change in the saying of their apostle. It means that religion will be changes with the change of time. Religion will always be same from the era of the Ibrahim to the dooms day and that is simply defined in the answer of the twelve sons of Israel. 
May Allah send His blessing on us and forgive our sins we forgot Him but pray that He will never forgot us.

Friday, 19 April 2013


All the three main religion of the worlds respect the Ibrahim and believe that they are the fathers of all the religion. All the religion try to convince the whole world that Ibrahim belongs to them. If all the main religion respect them then why they will not act upon on their last will. Before dying Ibrahim gathered his all sons and grandsons Yaqoub (known as Israel) and said the following advice.

"And the same did Ibrahim enjoin on his sons and (so did) Yaqoub. O my sons! surely Allah has chosen for you (this) faith, therefore did not unless you are Muslims."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 132)

Ibrahim enjoin to his sons and Yaqoub O my sons Allah chosen you from the whole world and you will not die unless you are Muslims. What is the meaning of Muslim?. The man who submit in front of himself to the Allah is known as Muslim. If you will ask question and criticized on the orders of the Allah you will never be called Muslim. But most of the Muslims just say few words from their mouth and consider himself as Muslim. But we never fulfill on the meaning of Muslims. Most of the Muslims never submit their self to the One Lord. We always find the ways to get rid from the orders of the Allah.
We forgot what Ibrahim say and we start fighting with each other. Most of the Jews proud that they are the pure blood of the Ibrahim but they forgot that what is their grandfather and ancestor said to them. We always try the whole life to convince our own self that we are right. May Allah forgive us and send His blessing on us. 


Allah is almighty and His apostle Ibrahim is among the righteous people. Why Allah like Ibrahim so much?. Why Allah chose him as the imam of men?. Why Allah send most of the apostle from his offspring?. Why Allah send the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) from his offspring?. You can ask so many question like this. No one can bound you to think like this. The matter is very simple but the disbelievers will never understand it. Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran opened the secret why He likes Ibrahim.Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:

"When his Lord said to him, Be a Muslim, he said: I submit myself to the Lord of the worlds."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 131)

In this verse of the Holy Quran Allah clearly told us that whenever He order the Ibrahim Be a Muslim. He just surrender himself in front of the Lord of the worlds. Ibrahim never ask the question, why, where, what , who etc he just bow down his head and accept the orders of Allah without any question. This should be the attitude of all of us when we hear the order of our Lord.
But we never try to act as Ibrahim did. Allah is great and almighty. We always think that we are fastidious and ask million of question on the orders of Allah but never submit our self to the Lord of world. I just want to quote an example here. My wife belongs to a Syed family, Muslim and professionally a doctor. When i told him that Allah is the only force to feed us then she argue me lot of question against this thing. She always think that human is responsible for their own feed. If they will not do any thing to earn then Allah will not gave any thing. I admit that Allah order us to earn and feed our self and our family but the question is there are million creatures on this earth to whom only Allah feed them. She always resist to submit herself to the Lord of worlds. It does not mean that she is disbeliever.
This is the same attiturde of the most of the Muslims in the Pakistan. After every bomb blast or disaster we start making moan that why Allah send this wrath on us. We start objection on the Allah's doing. Why we will not submit our self to the Lord of the Worlds. Why we never think that Allah send this wrath due to our own deeds. We always laugh and mock on the verses of Allah and say why Allah say this and say that. We are not alike Ibrahim who submit himself to the Lord of the worlds.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


Most of the religion consider the Ibrahim as Imam of Men but the question is what you believe? Do you believe in Ibrahim sayings?. If you believe then how you forsakes the religion of Ibrahim. Allah informed us that only fools try to forsakes the religion of Ibrahim. They make their self fool. Islam is not a new religion it is the same as the religion of Ibrahim. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is not bring the new communication for the people they just continue the religion of Ibrahim. We all believe in the religion of the Ibrahim only the fools think that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) brought a new religion. 
Ibrahim is not only chosen by Allah in this world but also in the next world he is among the righteous. Allah informed us that this world will always praise the teaching of Ibrahim and surely in the life hereafter he will be among the righteous people. How is it possible that Ibrahim will mislead the people of earth and still Allah choose them no way. 
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran:

"And who forsakes the religion of Ibrahim  but he who makes himself a fool, and most certainly We choose him in this world, and in the hereafter he is most surely among the righteous."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 130)

But what is our believes, our faith is totally against the teaching of Ibrahim. We always fight that Ibrahim believe in Jewish-ism and Christianity but how is it possible. Because the children always on the religion of this world and no father is on the religion of his children. How is it possible that Ibrahim is on the religion of his grand children. It is impossible. It is the historic fact that Musa and Isa came after thousand years from the Ibrahim then how is it possible that Ibrahim is on the religion of Musa and Isa.
We forgot the religion of the Ibrahim and fight with one another. What is the religion of Ibrahim?. Only believe in One Allah and bow down your head in front of one Allah and obey His order. But we bow our head on the other places accept Allah. Allah is great and He do not need the people He is above all. May Allah forgive us.