We always cry and moan when we are in trouble?. We always ask the question from our own self and from the Lord that why we why we are facing the trouble?. Why Allah examine us?. Why Allah put us in that trouble?. When i gave this answer to my Mom that we never remember the Lord, never pay our prayers, never pay thanks to our Lore, always ungrateful to our Lord due to all these things Allah send His wrath in different shapes on us. Then she just inquire me that she do not do any thing wrong in her life. I objected on this that no one claim that he or she never do any thing wrong in his or her life.

If we sleep with other one means (Zina) is not the only crime. If we do not say our prayer then it is also a sin, If we do not obey our Lord it is also a sin, if we do not read and understand the Holy Quran then it is also a sin, If we do not act upon the verses of the Holy Quran then it is also a sin, If we do not feed the poor then it is also a sin, If we do not gave the poor-rate then it is also a sin. There are million other things but we just concentrate on one or more things in our life why?. Why we close the whole things around on sin?. Why we do not believe in one thing that we can avoid the sins but never claim that we never leave the sins.When we are in trouble then we always start moan why?.We have no patience and want that when we have some problem then Allah just send some magic like thing to solve our problem. Why we want that Allah will send food from heaven when we are hungry and just gave us health at one when we have painful disease. Why Allah create these disease?. Why Allah send wrath on the people of earth?. Why He created hunger, thrust and death?.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"O you who believe! seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 153)
Kindly think that you ever in your life act upon on this order. Do you ever ask assistance from the patience and prayer. If the answer is No then think why Allah will help us.