We always insist that we are on the right course. We have lot of things to prove our claim and the others have the same. Now question arise who is on the right course. What will be the criteria for a Muslim?. What will be important things and how we look like?. We need a sample to follow, in this regard Allah gave us the rightest example in the shape of our apostle Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and their followers knows as SAHABA Allah clearly mentioned in His book that we all must believe as you believe then they are indeed on the right course. Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"If then they believe as you believe in Him, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great opposition, so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing."
(Surah No:2 & Verse No: 137)
Allah clearly mentioned that all those who will turn back will be the opposition of the Muslims. But now a days we never want to follow the role model as Allah instructed us. We have our own role model. We follow some Imams, Scholars and saints but we will never happy to follow our apostle and their SAHABA.
We never think for a minute that we are doing against the verses of the Holy Quran. Neither we think that we are doing exactly against the verses of Holy Quran ans when Allah send His Wrath on us then we start moan on the wrath. We always raise the question why Allah send His wrath on us.
It is not enough that we will accept the verses of Holy Quran by mouth but doing exactly against the verses. We forgot the saying of our apostle but still claim that He will love us. Why?. We are hypocrite and want that people admit us as true Muslims.We never adopted the Islamic finance in our country, nor Islamic social laws. Allah forgive us and send His blessing on all of us.