We always ask this question in the social media, print media and electronic media; How we can excel our Pakistani nation to the other nations of the world. When i read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below i got the answer of this question:

"O children of Israel, call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and that I made you excel the nations."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 122)
Allah informed that it is His favor to make any nation excel to the other nation. No country or nation can do it with his own self. It is His blessing which only Allah bestowed to any nation. Allah in the following verse informed that He bestowed on the children of Israel and made them excel to the other nation. We can still see the shadow of that excel in the Israelis. There is no doubt that still this nation control the whole world. But it is also a fact that they are not in that condition which they are in the period of Suleiman Prophet of Allah.
It is also a fact that Muslims also rule the whole world for thousand years, Allah made them excel to the other nations. Allah fulfill His promise if we fulfill our promise. We left the communication of Allah and Allah left us alone in the whole world. Now a days every nation try to kill the Muslims and they have no fear from any one. It is the fact that now a days we are a new genetic form of Muslims which only believe in saying not in the Holy Quran. We always try to neglect the clear verses of the Holy Quran and adopted the saying of some scholars. Now we believe in the philosophy rather then faith. We left the faith in Allah and Allah send His wrath on us.
If we as a nation want that Allah will return the same excel to our nation as He send us earlier then we must need to implement the saying of Holy Quran in our own life.May Allah send His blessing on me and my nation.