Allah is one and their is no God but Allah. This is the basic theme of the believe which came form one apostle to the other apostle. There is no difference between this theme in different apostles of Allah. Every apostle of Allah preach the same faith. In our last post we are discussing the last will of the Ibrahim now the grandson of Ibrahim Yaqoub known as Israel continue the will to their twelve sons when he was on the death bed. Israel twelve children are the founders of twelve tribes of the Jews. The Israel is found on the name of the Hazrat Yaqoub (Israel) and the offspring of their twelve children are now a days called the Jews. We clearly mentioned the details of them in our post know as "Children of Israel".
The important thing is that Hazrat Israel before his death gathered all their children and asked them a single question. What is that question?. What will you serve after me?. This is the simple question which he asked from them. And the all children reply the same answer. "We will server your God and the God of your father, Ibrahim, and Ismail and Ishaq, one God only, and to Him do we submit.". This is the covenant which they make with their father. But what happened after few years, they just torn the covenant into pieces and start the worshiping of the others. They not only mock their elders but also try to mock the Allah.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"Nay! were you witness when death visited Yaqoub, when he said to his sons: What will you serve after me?. They said: We will serve your God and the God of your fathers, Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq, one God only, and to Him do we submit."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 133)
We always do the same thing. We only obey the orders of our own elders which are in our favor and rejected all those which are against our soul. We never accept their wills which are against our soul. We never obey them in our own life then how we will obey after their death. We are sunni, shia and wahabi because we see our parent following the path. But this thing show that in the start their is no sunni, shia etc and similarly there is no Jews, Christians only Muslims.
We forgot all the things and now we are only Jews, Christians and Sunni, Shia etc but we are not Muslims any more. The word Muslims are become obsolete in this world. We obey our scholars, Imam, Rabbi, Pop but never obey One God. We surrender our self in front of our religious so called sacred saints but never submit our self to the one Allah. We forgot the actual teaching of our apostles.
I am reading that the Pop Francis constitute a committee; this committee is consist of eight cardinals from the whole world and they will re constitute the constitution of the Christians.What is this?. Who gave them the right to make their own laws and have the right to change in the saying of their apostle. It means that religion will be changes with the change of time. Religion will always be same from the era of the Ibrahim to the dooms day and that is simply defined in the answer of the twelve sons of Israel.
May Allah send His blessing on us and forgive our sins we forgot Him but pray that He will never forgot us.