Why we live?. Why we die?. What is the life after death?. What happened when we die?. Why we moan when some one died and become happy when some other died?. What is actually happened when we died?. Why we will not live forever?. Do you think that some deaths are miserable and horrified while some deaths are painless?. Can we differentiate between two types of deaths?. Why we do not perceive?. There are thousand question arise in the mind when i think about the death.
One more question this is the common question of every one, one most important question now a days revolve in my mind. The people who kill there self with bombs and kill the other people what is the difference between the two deaths. Who killed them or who killed which is batter and which death is pain less and in peace. Why people think that if they kill others then they will go to heaven and live forever.
Most of the Muslims will quote the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as deed; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 154)
Actually most of the Muslims interpreted this verse in a very wrong way and make the mind of those illiterate people and just gave them the idea that if they will suicide bomber then they will become martyr and will go the heaven because they are not dead. They never told them what is the meaning of slain in the Allah's way and what is the Allah's way. Allah never said to kill the innocent people and in Islam all such things are strictly banned. But we have our own interpretation about the verses of Holy Quran and due to this thing we are divided into sects and groups.
These scholars and intellectuals always have their own assumptions and thinking. We must think for one minute that is there any contradiction in the Holy Quran. The answer is No because this is the Book of Lord and He know what is right and what is wrong?. It is the challenge of the Book to find any contradiction in the whole Quran and this is also one important thing that this Book is not written by some human. In human books the chance of contradiction must be there. In some place Allah told us that the killing of one human is actually the killing of the whole humanity. In this thing Allah used human not Muslims then how we can say that Islam provide the licence of killing to others.
We must find the Allah's way and those who slain in this way will be called martyr and we must not say them dead they are alive but we do not perceive. We Must want that life and struggle for such death. May Allah gave us the same death and we will only slain in His Way(Ameen).