I always here this thing from my childhood that the Allah make a Paradise and a Hell. Paradise is for those people who did the good deeds and Allah will pleased with them; hell is for those people who always doing the wrong deeds in their life and Allah will sent their wrath on them. But when i become mature then i also here another thought that some religions like Jews and Christian believe that Allah shall not allow any one to enter the Paradise except those who have the believe in Jew-ism and Christianity. Question is very simple on which basis they decide. Did they have any proof to validated their claim.

I think all this thing based on the wishes and they do not have any claim. If you will show me some books written by your own authors then this will not be consider as a proof. Do you show a small verse written in your Holy Books in which Allah promised with you that "None shall enter the paradise except you". How could you bound the Allah. Allah is not your servant (Allah forgive me) to obey you. Allah is the Lord of every thing and every thing abide His orders. He do not need to follow the instruction, He is the master to order the instruction only.
Allah in the following verse of the Holy Quran indicate that all those who think like this will bring any proof in the answer of their claim. Kindly read the Holy verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"And they say: None shall enter the garden (or Paradise) except he who is a Jew or a Christian. These are their vain desires, Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful."
(Surah No:2 & Verse No: 111)
The same vain desire came into the different sects of the Muslims too. Sunni claim that the paradise is only for them and Shia claim the same. Every one think that their sect is on the right path and only they will enter to the paradise while all the other will sent to the hell. Question is why we think so. We never think about our own deeds and wish to enter the paradise on the bases of our so called sectarianism thoughts.
We forgot that Allah watches every thing and He knows what we hide and what we show. All the sect of the Muslims are also moving on the footsteps of the Jews and Christians. As they divided or torn the Holy Books into pieces Muslims also torn the Holy Quran and every sect stand on their own meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran. They accept some part of the Holy Quran and leaves the other. Sunni only stand on the wish that their apostle will save them and Shia have their vain desire that the grandson of the apostle will save them. We divided into groups and all the groups stand that some one will save them so we are allowed to do what ever we want.
No we must pay the price of our wrong deeds. Allah forgive us, in the presence of the clear order of the Holy Quran we are running on the vain desire of the books which were written by some scholars. My question is all those scholars are also humans and their is the great chance of human mistake also stand for them. They why we rely on them not on the Book of Allah. We need to think this thing.