Allah in His communication forbid the Muslims not to ask the irrelevant questions, useless questions and the questions which will not gave them any thing good. Allah informed us that if we will do then our whole good things will be spoiled and we will lost our right path. Allah informed us that the apostle of Allah will be given great respect not in their life but also in the life after their death. Jews ask the irrelevant question on every command of Allah. Some of the question they will ask discussed in earlier posts; they want to know the color , age and other irrelevant signs of cow. Allah only ordered them to sacrifice the cow and they start the useless questions about the cow. The main idea behind all these stupid question is to avoid the sacrifice of the cow.
Allah informed us that we should be very keen in the matter of respect of Allah's apostles. We will not pay them respect as we respect our own father and elders or the president etc. We pay a great honor and respect to our ruler but we will not pay the great respect and honor to the apostle's of Allah why?. The main problem is that we do not believe in the teaching of the apostles's of Allah. We never want to leave all those things which they prohibit and follow the good things which they follow.
We always say that we must follow the path as the life of our apostle but we never try to follow our own self. The life of the apostle of Allah is not simple they face the great difficulties and avoid all those things which was prohibit by the Allah. They spend their whole life to teach us what is good and what is bad. We do not want to adopt the belief instead of this we want unbelief. Allah informed us that we will face the trial and Allah will gave us the painful chastisement .
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran as mentioned below:
"Rather you wish to put questions to your Apostles, as Musa was questioned before; and whoever adopts unbelief instead of faith, he indeed has lost the right direction of the way."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 108)
May Allah send His blessing on our apostle Hazrart Muhammad(PBUH).