Saturday 25 May 2013


Most of the people now a days discussing on the issue that which thing is worse, persecution or slaughter. After 9/11 many people think that they have the right to kill the people in advance and one more thing people of Pakistan and Afghanistan killed in drone attacks and the Americans have a vision that they try to destroy all those who created the persecution in their country. Allah in His Book clearly mentioned that persecution is severer then slaughter. All those who wants to spread the persecution in the world are more dangerous then killing. 
Because the killer murder or kill one or two people but the persecutor spread his persecution in the whole world. Now if we closely watch the world after 9/11 then we see that few people spread the persecution in the whole world. America destroyed the two Islamic countries and just demolish all their infrastructure and killed million of innocent people in the revenge of the two or three thousand people killed in 9/11 attacks. In my point of view all those bombers who suicide and killed their self on the name of Allah are not fighting against the evil, they are actually playing in the hands of the evil forces and they destroyed the two Islamic countries and destabilized the whole muslim world. They were responsible for the killing of million people who were killed daily in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. A non ending war destroyed the mosques, Imam Bargahs, shrines, houses, shopping plaza and every where in this war million of people loose their life and valuable things and now they do not have nothing left in their lives.
Kindly read the following verse of the Holy Quran and tries to understand the basic guideline hidden in this verse.

"And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers."
(Surah No:2 & Verse No: 191)

 We become forgot that what Allah demand from us. We just start fighting without knowing our limits. Its true that the non believers start the war then we do not have any choice to defend our self. But in this war we adopt the same terminology and protocols which our apostle followed when they are in war. They never killed the innocent people, children, woman and never fire the plants and slaughter the animals. But now a days we not only blow our self but destroyed the whole area without caring that how many innocent people, children, women will killed in this attack. 
I am not against the Jihad but i am totally against the suicide bombers. Jihad in the way of Allah is the most blessing of Allah and the martyr never die it is my believe. But i also agreed on one thing that all those who wants to spread the persecution in the country need to destroy. We all need to condemn all those forces who  try to spread the persecution in the country. May Allah forgive us.