Tuesday 21 May 2013


When we are in pain and trouble then we start praying to our Lord, sometime He hear our voice rapidly and some time we are just seeking His help. Some time we become so much exhausted that our believe in Allah become shaky. We start praying like yelling and start crying and ask the question where He is ?. Why He did not listen to our prayers?. This was not happened in our life once but after every few days we are moan on that thing that Allah do not listen us.
Then we come to a point that we are so much sinner that Allah do not listen our prayers and then we try to find some saint, some shrine and some scholars and said to them that they will pray for us. Why we loose our faith in Allah, Why we think that He do not hear us, Why we think that He is some where else and not near to us?. Why we are in the search of saints rather then to continue our prayer.Why we loose our faith on our own prayers?. Why we become hopeless, why we have so much short temperament?. Why we believe that the miracle will be happened on our own prayer.? There are million of question like this. But it is true that Allah knows each and every thing and Allah knows what we hide and what we show. Allah in his Holy Quran discussed all the above questions in the following verse as mentioned below:
"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way."
(Surah No: 2 & Verse No: 186) 

We need to think about this verse and analyze our own self. Try to find one reason that you do not have faith in your own prayer. Allah clearly mentioned that He accept the prayers when His servants calls them and He did not attach any kind of restriction in the acceptance of the prayer. Why we do not have the courage to say our prayer and raise the hands with this believe that He is very near to us and He accepted our prayers. Now the question is why we do not see in existence because only He knows the best time for the implementation.  Allah in the last verse clearly informed us that He does not desire difficulty for His servants, He want that they will be in ease so only He knows when our prayers will be implemented. But one thing is clear that He accepted our prayers, we do not need any saint, shrine and other ways for the acceptance of our prayer. 
You and I just need to say our prayers and then raise our hands and present our prayers to our Lord. Surely Allah will accept all our prayers and we will be happy. May Allah accept our all prayers and send us to the heavens.