Thursday 14 March 2013


Now at last Pakistani government completed its tenor and now going for the next election. More then eight hundred million people will cast their vote for the next national assembly. But at this moment on the electronic media and social media thousand people show their concern that they will not cast their vote in this election.e This is the main cause of our failure. As soon as we will not change our thinking we will never be able to select our best candidates.
We must follow the instruction mentioned above. you must think and then act according to your wish and then cast your vote. In my point of view if we will not cast our vote then it will not change the whole system. This is democracy a candidate with the majority of one vote can win, and one vote will form the government so do not think that you can not change any thing it might be the vote who make the difference.

Its our future how hard is that you will go and cast your vote for the best candidate. If you will not cast your vote then you will not have any right to say that politician did not do any thing for you. This is the final decision of the nation and it is our last stand ever......................